Flickr March 2021 - Parkwood Camera Club

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Flickr March 2021


March 2021 Flickr Competition
Theme - Open
Judge Kevin D Harvey

Image Number

Author/Flickr Name

Image Title


Judges Comments/Critique



Hanging around for food


This is as well captured image. It appears our friend has polished off the fat balls already! The colours are very similar and the squirrel is well camouflaged in places. As it is a portrait format and to concentrate our focus on the squirrel I would be tempted to crop off the right hand side and make this more of an upright 'letterbox'. Nicely timed image.



wheres the food

There is a good, if sad story here which the image puts across well. The image is a bit soft and grainy which implies it maybe a sectional enlargement which can cause these issues. Again, nicely seen and well timed.


Keith Tomlins

It's nice to emerge from the tunnel into the light

The exposure here as been well controlled to give a good range of tones and detail in the lighter areas. The composition does give us a good lead in towards the figure although I may have cropped out the outside graffit areas and made this into a square format which I think gives a stronger lead in and greater 3D depth.


Keith Tomlins

Helping me look for my glasses

I like the story here, I'm sure many of us have struck this pose! The animals are a tad small in the frame though and I'd recommend zooming into a smaller group if possible or to do a severe crop on this image and make it into a letterbox. Its good to see a touch of humour in an image.


Louise Hubbard

Old Wreck


Wow, this is a real gift for a photographer. There is so much detail and scope for photography in this subject. As presented it is a great image although I would have cropped out the sky as its brightness does take our eyes away from the wreck. There is potential here for some superb monochromes, even some infra red. Remember where it is, its a real gem.


Louise Hubbard

Egret by the Thames Estuary

Nicely timed and well placed in the image space, this is a well taken image of this bird. The foreground is a little unnecessary to my eyes and I would have cropped it out. I cannot fault the timing and the attitude of the bird when the shutter was pressed.



Wood Anemone Nectar


This has been extremely well produced. The exposure chosen has created a huge range of tones and most importantly there is detail in the white petals which are clean and bright. The insect is also extremely well rendered with great sharpness and detail and very well positioned. Including the whole flower head works well too.



Darnley Mausoleum


This interesting building has been extremely well captured here. I enjoy the positioning of it and the lead in created by the path. I can understand the crop which has been dictated I imagine by the trees but I think I may have gone even tighter still. The building does appear to have a tilt to it which it may actually have of course but either way this is a very competent rendition of it.



Garrison Church South Door


The monochrome approach here has produced some rich tones and works extremely well with this subject. There is a wealth of detail especially in the wood, metal fittings and those carved heads. If anything the contrast could be toned down a touch but otherwise this is a very good record type shot of this door.



Garrison Church Buttresses

There is a nice sense of recession and depth here created by the succession of buttresses. I feel this one is more of a pictorial image than the preceding entry and I feel it needs something else such as a person in the far buttress to act as a zing point. The lighting is a little flat and I'd suggest a return at another time of day to see if it is possible to capture some narrow angled raking light which may really accentuate this stonework arrangement. A good well seen subject.


Henry Slack

Shabby Chic Retreat


This is an image which deserves some closer viewing as there is a real story here. It's interesting that there appears to be some security via the gate and barbed wire to what really appears to nothing much at all. Questions and conundrums on top of what is a well composed image. The sign all adds to the mystery. Very interesting.


Henry Slack

Old weathered groynes Shellness beach

These groynes are a great subject and I can imagine there is a great number of compositions that can be had here. This image is quite straight forward and well presented. I can see scope for some monochromes here taken in extreme lighting conditions. I don't think this is the strongest composition for this subject but certainly another location to remember, whilst its still standing!


jeff JT thomas

Buoys ahead

The colours in this image work very well and the depth of field is extremely well controlled. The buoys create a great lead in which takes us to the bridge type structure. I'm wondering whether a step to the left to include more of this and to exclude more of the background on the left would strengthen the composition. The buoys would then start at the right hand bottom corner of course. A picture that shows great camera control and technique.


jeff JT thomas

Inquisitive swan, what's in here then

Another well timed image taken at precisely the right time. The exposure is spot on too and clearly retains detail in the all important white plumage of the swan. The only comment I can make would be to crop off the top to exlude that large expanse of water and concentrate the interest on the swan and the boat. Always good to see a good image with a story attached.

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