Flickr April 2022 - Parkwood Camera Club

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Flickr April 2022


April 2022 Flickr Competition
Theme - Open
Judge Kevin D Harvey

Image Number

Author/Flickr Name

Image Title


Judges Comments/Critique



HMS Cavalier


The use of the upright letterbox really suits this unusual view. Initially I was a little confused with the off centre arrangement but then noticed the gangplank sign so this has actually been well framed.



The Moorings

Ther lightying here is quite dramatic and ther moorings going across at a diagonal works well but they are a little small in the frame. I think I may have tried a creative tight frame around these. Mind you, that sky was crying out to be photographed.




This is a very competent portrait with just a few points. The lighting appears to be just on the models back and shoulder which has left the face with very even tone which I feel should be a little softer. The reflecton in the eye is a little distracting as well. The interaction with the photographer is very good though and well done for positioning the hand nicely.


Roger Nolan LRPS

Praia dos Cruz


The glorious part of this image is the control of the water tones. We have a full range and the shutter speed chosen has created a great movement effect. I may have cropped the top a little more to reduce the bright area there but otherwise this is a fine seascape.



Chilston Park Lake

The flat lighting here has created a moody feel to this. There is a wealth of detail throughout this image and the use of the foliage as a frame is a good idea. The water has nice ripples in it but is empty otherwise and I feel it requires something else such as ducks or a swan etc which would really bring it to life. The basics of taking landscapes are here.



Chilston Park


This is a well seen and nicely composed landscape. That tree was a real find with that excellent canopy! Using the stonewall as a lead in works extremely well and all this image needs is another element such as a person on the bridge to complete it. Well done anyway and I would certainly recommend revisiting this through the year as I'm sure it will provide different images throughout the seasons.


jeff JT thomas

Tranquil river medway at dusk

To me this image is all about the yachts and I think I would crop this down to  a square format and just have them with their excellent reflections. This would still retain the tranquil feel whilst removing the distractions in the background. Nice.


jeff JT thomas

Trainers on Littlestone Beach


As someone who grew up in Littlestone I obviously know this beach well and the WW2 Mulberry Harbour remains we can see in the background here. We can only assume the story behind the shoes but the composition works extremely well. The figure is superbly placed and adds the vital zing point. My only small criticism would be to crop it down a little further on the top and remove some sky but that is carping on what is an original and great image.


Keith Tomlins


Simple and effective with a good use of colour. I don't mind the half cars but I think I would have tried to include the complete pizza sign whilst also cropping some from the bottom of this image. This would still give us the lead in provided by the pink lines on the left which are a strong element here.


Keith Tomlins


I must congratulate the photographer here on balancing the exposure of the interior and exterior lighting. However, I'm not too sure about the composition which looks a little awkward to me. I think it needed a bolder approach. If this is local I would certainly try some different compositions and persevere with the mixed lighting images which can give striking images.


Robert Deane

Lizard in the woods

A very good example of the seeing eye as that fallen trunk certainly has something reptillian about it! Exposure and composition are very good although a tighter crop to accentuate the 'lizard' a little more could help. Well done again on spotting this.


Robert Deane

Pink Moon

Nice to see so much detail on the lunar surface and from a relatively short lens which indicates this is a sectional enlargement. Obtaining a sharp image of the Moon is not easy but the detail looks nice and clear so your equipment certainly held your camera steady.



CD's not filed correctly

I've actually seen a couple of the bands here although I'm too young to remember when Hendrix played our local club! I'm not exactly sure what the title refers to but having the middle CD's at an angle is what makes this image works. Obviously, there is text in the image and our eyes are automatically drawn to it so ensure it is relevant to the image.



Tulips at Hadlow

A very good use of colour here with the warm colours comi9ng to the fore and the colder hues nicely diffused in the background. We have the magic three subjects that at first glance look very similar but well done on singling out the tulip with the visible stamen. Well done on taking this in the bright conditions that befits it.


Henry Slack

You Can Make it


I love the story here. Initially it looks like a swimmer with their support vessel but closer examination reveals the expression on the swimmers face which says it all and completes the story. There is so much that could be commented on here such as the fantastic water splash from the oar, the rower themselves and is that a shark fin chasing the swimmer?!  Excellent camera work, great composition and wonderful detail throughout the image space make this a worthy winner.


Henry Slack



An interesting technique here with the plant set against a blurred background. Although it looks unatural it does accentuate the detail in the iris which is very nicely rendered.

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