December 2019 - Parkwood Camera Club

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December 2019


December 2019 Flickr Competition
Theme - Open
Judge Kevin D Harvey

Image Number

Author/Flickr Name

Image Title


Judges Comments/Critique



frozen elemley

There is a great deal to like here. The composition certainly drags us into the scene and the depth of field is great. The soft lighting has given a good range of tones as well. The letterbox crop is a good idea but I may have been bolder and taken even more from it. Something different and well taken.


Joan Hagan

Who are you looking at?


This is an intriguing image. I won't guess how and where it was taken as I will invariably get it wrong. The quality is exceptional. The depth of field does not extend throughout but is more than adequate to cover the important details here. The water droplets on the eyes are interesting. I would dispense with the fancy border but otherwise this is top drawer.


kevin towler

The Real Thing

Although very abstract there is more than enough detail, helped of course by the title to establish what this is. The tones in the glass are very good although the depth of field is very shallow. I assume the green tone is in the glass itself although I have found that having dark coloured pieces of card just out of shot can also accentuate the edge tones in glassware.



Ramsgate Lights

This is a striking image. I particularly like the shapes created by the lights in the water which mirror the triangular shapes throughout. The colours are lovely and bold too. As a night shot I would have tried this a tad earlier when there is still colour in the sky as this often adds a deep blue hue which would work well with the lights here. The horizon does seem a little lopsided which is a shame but still a striking, well taken night shot.



First come first served

This shot is extremely well timed and I enjoy the different attitudes of the various birds. The movement in the wings add life to the image as well. The background unfortunately is a little conflicting as on one side we have similar tones to the birds and on the other we have a very warm colour. I may have tried, if possible to have the background as just one of these. Throwing it out of focus was the correct decision for me. A real moment in time.



Bedgebury Lights

Another very striking night shot. Again the colours are fantastic and although some areas are burnt out we have some wonderful tones here. The composition is tight but is dynamic and nothing is cropped. Similar to another night shot in this composition I wonder if an earlier exposure at dusk would have added a deep colour to the black areas? The exposure value for the lights is spot on though.



I did not see that coming


Timing here is everything and this is spot on. The plume of water and the well placed cyclist work well. Exposure is good and a great deal of tones have been retained in the highlights. In particular the rim lighting on the cyclist is very good. I would have cropped the sky to concentrate our attention on the action. As an example of always carrying a camera with you this is top class.


kevin towler

Light Vision

This is a good fun table top image. There has obviously been thought applied here as I would have been tempted to have the bulbs in the opposite direction. In this arrangement however, they do resemble eyes and the monochrome treatment is a good choice. Depth of field is shallow but the focus point is correct.


Louise Hubbard

Blue Yarn


The treatment applied to this has certainly added an industrial feel. The metalwork comes across as cold as it should whereas the blue tones of the yarn sing out in contrast which is surprising as blue, of course, is a cold tone itself. To the right of the image we have lighter tones which still retain detail and overal the image seems to convey that the yarn is heading towards this light. At first glance this seemed to be a straight forward image but the more I look at it the more of a story I am perceiving.


Louise Hubbard

The Vintage Worker

This is atmosheric and nicely taken. The lighting is good with excellent detail throughout. The timeless feel is maintained even down to the 'proper' watch and not a digital one! The window is a bright distraction above the models head which I think could have been cropped but still retaining enough of the machinery. Very nice.


Stephen Long2011

Cookie Monster

A well observed image. I like the symmetry here and the technical aspects such as exposure and focussing are very good. At the risk of upsetting the symmetry of the top of the image I think I would have cropped off the door on the left side. The colour harmony works nicely here.


Stephen Long2011

Sunrays over the Beach

An excellent range of tones here and the colour combination of basically yellows and blues works well. The range of tones captured are reminiscent of an HDR image but without the excesses that process can introduce. To move the horizon a little more away from cutting the image in two I may have cropped the bottom a bit. The sky detail and full range of tones show this is a photographer with good control of his craft.



The Quay Towers of St. Mary's Island

There is a lovely clear reflection here. The off centre composition works well and the sepia is a nice touch. The lighting conditions are very soft but this has exposed the details throughout the tonal range.



Last of Autumn caught in Winter

I like the artistry employed here in this composition. The splash of autumn colour works well. Unfortunately, the contrast is a little too high for my taste and there are large areas that are burnt out. I would be tempted to return to the original file to see if more highlight detail could be extracted.


Henry Slack

Loading at the end of the Day


The lighting on this is glorious. The sunset colours work well and the exposure was taken at just the right time to show each figure in action. It is unfortunate that the background clashes with the car and I was wondering if more height could be obtained to separate these image components. Neverthless I do like an image that tells a story and this one certainly does.


Henry Slack

Afternoon Stroll


The fish eye effect here whether in camera or in post processing has been carefully and skillfully applied. The various lead in lines and the sky detail have been carefully arranged and it is interesting how the least distorted area is the group of people. The original composition and monochrome is very good and it is up to personal taste if the fisheye effect adds to or takes away from the image. I like it.


Keith Tomlins

Simply having a wonderful winter's time

This is an interesting and abstract view of Christmas. The long exposure obviously adds an air of frenetic activity in the run up to Christmas but I am not sure if the exposure is a tad too long and too much detail, especially the peoples heads are too blurred. The colours add to the title. Well done on approaching the festive season in a different way.



Sunset Queenborough

The tones in a sunset are constantly changing and quite often the best to appear are after the sun has dipped below the horizon. For me this image proves that. The deep hues are very good.  The solid black silhouettes may have worked better if their shapes were more distinct and bold. The horizon is well placed and the Moon is a nice added touch.



Boatyard Silhouette

For a silhouette image to work well a good clear bold shape works best. Here we have a good control of exposure which has given us everything we need for a good silhouette. Unfortunately the boats are too close together denying the image a strong shape. The technique is good but look for a stronger, clearer subject for me.


Keith Tomlins

Evening landscape with sheep

In many ways this breaks many rules as there is a great deal of dead space, no main point of focus and interest and apart from the horizon the rule of thirds is dispensed with as well. However, rules are made to be broken and this works as a gentle pastoral scene. My concerns are basically the colours which a bit unnatural for my tastes.


Ian Rosenthal

Drink & Reflection


This is an interesting and striking image. The detail in the bird is excellent and the ripples in the water seem to be reflected in the bird's plummage. I questioned the colour of the water as its an interesting tone but I have to assume this is correct. Something very different and quite unique.


Ian Rosenthal

Are you sure this is an Easter Cactus?

This is a nice study of this plant. I assume the plant hangs down which is why it appears to be inverted. The colour palette is nice and the detail is high.

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