Flickr September 2020 - Parkwood Camera Club

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Flickr September 2020


September 2020 Flickr Competition
Theme - Open
Judge Kevin D Harvey

Image Number

Author/Flickr Name

Image Title


Judges Comments/Critique



On a shout over bridge

This is a well timed image with the ambulance perfectly placed. The surrounding parts of the image certainly set the scene although the image below the bridge seems a little cramped and I wonder if there was more below the bottom crop. I like the story here but to emphasise the urgency of the ambulance I wonder if a slower shutter speed to introduce some blur to the ambulance could have been beneficial? I do like to see an image with a story and this fits the bill.



It's here somewhere

There is a l great deal to like here. I like the off centre composition which allows for the whole animal to be included and actually feels right. There is a story here as well which I also like to see. The image has muted colours and some noise but this has not affected the important details. I would have removed the bright background details but well done on cropping down the image to concentrate our attention.



The Great Escape

This is a great action shot and well timed. I like the combination of sharpness and movement in the bird which has been captured by good panning technique. It would have been an added exra to have the complete reflection and I'm wondering if there is detail in the original file for the large water splash on the right. This is a great capture but reduce that bright area if possible and this will be absolutely top.


Henry Slack

Kite Surfer Ready for Take Off


Once again this is a nicely arranged composition even down to ensuring that the kite bar is not obscurring the face. There is a wide dynamic range but there is detail in the shadows and the highlights. Obviously, the kite is not included but the control bar gives us enough detail to imagine it. The off centre composition also gives a sense of movement and direction. Nice.


Henry Slack

Humming-bird Hawk-moth


A high quality capture of a difficult subject. From the muted background to the impeccable timing, and the use of a square frame this is a great picture. The blur of the wings adds some nice movement to this. The depth of field is shallow but this is to be expected. Nice.


Roger Nolan

Heads Down

At first glance there seems to be a large amount of dead space with an empty sky but a second look reveals a huge range of tones including a subtle vignette. Ther sun is well placed and with a nice tone which is not overly burnt out, and no flare either. I'm in two minds if I would have included the whole dense mass of the bush on the right hand side but a pleasing image nonetheless.



Old rope and chain

This is an exercise in texture and tone with the relative softness of the rope compared to the hard metal. The idea is good although the contrast is a little high and the out of focus left hand side does distract slightly. I may have tried a close crop concentrating just on the rope and a few chain links. A good subject to experiment with.


Keith Tomlins

Hiker taking in the view at Stanage Edge


This is someone on the edge at the Edge! In addition to a great composition what adds greatly to this image is the lighting. The shadows work well and having the figure against that detailed sky is marvelous. I think I may have toned down the very bright area on the rocks which is competing with the figure for our eye but this is a very good image.


Louise Hubbard

Hoo Marshes


An image full of detail throughout the dynamic range similar to an HDR but without the overt colours so looks more natural. The warm tones work well. The horizon is dead central here which is not always to be desired but it works ok here for me. I did try different crops but the image here appears to be the best way to present this composition.


Louise Hubbard

Singer Sewing Machine

There has been some thought applied to this still life. I imagine the classic Singer sewing machine is known to many of us and it would have been easy to just take a record type image. However, this has been lifted from that by creating a composition with associated paraphenalia carefully placed around and adding a vintage tone befitting with the age of the machine.


Keith Tomlins

Riding through the tunnels


I'm actually finding little to fault here. The shape of the light and that excellent shadow of the cyclistplus the rim lighting on the hair is perfect. The other tunnel gives a real sense of depth. The other cyclists are also well placed and not obscurred in any way. Very well done.


Robert Deane

White Water


An action shot well timed a full of detail. The very fast shutter speed has totally frozen the action which provides immense detail but it could be argued that it has removed the movement and given a static feel. Personally, I quite like it although I would have cloned out the bright areas in the background water.


Robert Deane

Shropshire Night

Milky Way photography is very interesting and shows how versatile modern cameras can be. In this image I very much like the sky detail including the straight trail of a closer moving object. The inclusion of the foreground detail is good although there appears to be banding and odd colours amongst the noise indicating this may have been lightened too much in post processing. This could be intrusive on a big enlargement and I'm wondering if combining two exposures may be beneficial. Nevertheless, well done on taking advantage of a dark sky area and capturing this memorable image.  


Ian Rosenthal


I like the composition here and good to see the insect in situ to its environment. The similar clolours of the insect and flower have made it merge in slightly but my biggest concern is the softness of the insect which I guess is down to movement. Well done on getting in this close but I would suggest raising the ISo for faster shutter speeds to avoid the possible movement. Nice to see such a clean image.


Ian Rosenthal

Gusbourne Estate Vineyard

The reflections in the glass are stupendous and work well. Unfortunately the image appears to be a little too soft all over which is a shame. I realise the subject is generally soft but even in the areas I would expect sharp detail there is softness. To emphasise those reflections I might consider a close upright crop and maybe include a known feature of the vineyard in that reflection. Could be a good advertising image idea there.



Storm Coming

A forboding and atmospheric image. I like the vignette which concentrates our gaze on the water in the centre and the recession of the landscape is good. The image has a painterly effect to it which has removed the sharp detail. I can see there are tones in the lighter areas of the sky and because of this and the general range of tones I think I would also try a monochrome version of this as well.



Double Towers

These towers appear to be an interesting landmark in this area. I like the inclusion of the boats in the marina to give a sense of place for these buildings. The warm tones of the lights contrast nicely although the overal blue tone is a little overwhelming. I would try experimenting in reducing the saturation of this but still keeping those warm colours.


jeff JT thomas

Sunrise in kefalonia

A simple and effective image. A good sunrise will often give a striking image with great colours and this is a good example if this. The disc of the sun is very burnt out and a little too high above the horizon and I think taking this a little earlier would have reduced the brightness of the sun and added some colour there. The umbrellas are nicely placed but I think the convention of having odd numbers would have worked here and I would crop out the far left one. Having said that it has been tied differently to the others and I'm wondering if there were other compositions here to take advantage of that difference. Including the excellent, sharp reflection is good.


jeff JT thomas

Through the garden gate. Emmetts

Many photographers and judges will often comment about being wary of closed gates which can 'stop' us entering an image. However, the photographer here has been clever and used an opening in a closed gate as a window into the scene. It is a clever use of a frame but be careful it does not obscure or crop too much of the scene within which this one does to a certain extent I'm afraid. I would have moved in closer to include more of the building and the tops of the trees and also reduce the sizes of the left and right gate openings. Nevertheless, it is a clever idea.

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