Flickr January 2020 - Parkwood Camera Club

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Flickr January 2020


January 2020 Flickr Competition
Theme - Open
Judge Kevin D Harvey

Image Number

Author/Flickr Name

Image Title


Judges Comments/Critique


kevin towler

velvet shank

This is a very low key image but the treatment applied has created some smooth tones. There is some noise and the burnt out highlights do distract a little. The low key could easily have created a muddy image but the contrast has been nicely weighted to avoid this.


kevin towler

not mushroom

This abstract close up has created a nice abstract image.  I may have toned down the highlights at the edges of the image but the tones are good and the shallow depth of field has created a pleasing image.



Into the Future

This is a well composed image capturing both the old and the present Sheppey bridges. The dynamic lead in provided by the new bridge takes our eye straight to the old bridge. The lighting on the day has created a very low contrast image which I think would benefit by stronger lighting, especially for a monochrome image. As this is local I would return when there are different lighting conditions as this is a great composition worth working on.



Holy Full Moon

There is a real atmosphere to this image. It has been well timed to capture a dep blue hue to the sky and the highlights on the church are well exposed for. The shadow areas are a little too dark and the uneven lighting from an unknown source is a little unfortunate. The Moon is well placed and this is a well thought out image.


Joan Hagan

Reflection of Canary Wharf

A well seen and well taken image. The composition within the object fills the space there well. I assume the photographers reflection has been removed in which case it has been well done. The exposure for the reflection is a little bright and I would have lowered it to match the surrounding exposure. Be careful using a border vignette such as exhibited here. I would have used a more subtle vignette with a larger vignette. I debated whether I would concentrate on the reflection but I do like the inclusion of the complete shape with the tail at the top working well.



Silhouette Pose

I will not try to guess if this was seen or a set up shot but the silhouettes work well. The shapes are completely devoid of internal detail but the shapes are sharp and clear and tell us exactly what is going on. The lighted object is unidentifiable to me but this is no concern to my enjoyment of the image. It does have a huge central bright area which I would have toned down if possible and I may also have cropped out the edges of the image and had this object as the complete background. Very good.


Stephen Long2011

Duck in Silhouette


There are some glorious shapes, colours and tones in the water surface here. The duck is nicely placed and adds a nice sense of movement. Be wary of the title as technically this is not a true silhouette as there is detail visible in the plumage. A good image even down to the colour pallette of just blues and yellows.


Stephen Long2011

Chatham Docks

I am judging this in February and the lovely warm tones exhibited here a reminders of days to look forward to. I like the arrangement of the buildings and the well placed foreground boat. The boat is a little too bright though and the horizon does seem to dip to the left but sorting these and maybe cropping the building far left will create a very strong image with a great tapering composition from left to right.



Tower Block and Climbing Frame


Many people take shots such as this when in the city and why not as they can prove very effective. There can often be empty spaces but here the photographer has filled it nicely with this climbing frame. Exposure, colours and sharpness coupled with dynamic lines all work well here.



City Reflection


A very photogenic building further enhanced by the colours captured here. The reflections in the building work well. The figure is a good addition but feels a little awkward to me. I think it is because it is very central and this equal space in front and behind seems to lessen the feel of movement. They are also cut in half by the background and I wonder if a lower viewpoint which I guess would mean getting very low would improve this. I have no issues with the reflection or the building itself though. Certainly somewhere to return to if possible.


Robert Deane

Afternoon Tea!

Caught redhanded at the scene of the crime! There is a real story here and the photographer has captured it well. The square composition is different although I would have cropped off the foreground a little. My main concern is with the colour balance which I think is a tad red. Sort that out and the colours should be richer. Well seen and nicely timed.


Robert Deane

The Scoop at More London

This is an interesting piece of modern street architecture. The curves contrast nicely with the angular buildings behind. The lighting is behind the buildings throwing the area in the composition into shadow. The monochrome treatment is a nice idea although a little more detail contrast could be worth trying. A crop on the left closer to the 'Scoop' really strengthens the image for me. An interesting subject.



Morning Light


Tranquility best sums up this image I think. At first glance it seemed empty but on closer examination there is much to enjoy here. The shapes in the clouds seem to mirror the water and the buoys and warning post all add details. I think it would benefit from a closer crop but as presented it is still a nice gentle image. Well done on ensuring the horizon is off centre and level as well.



Winter calm


There is a great deal to enjoy here. The remains of the pier head are nicely placed in the image space and the exposure has been well chosen to provide shadow details and lovely tones in the sky. The far horizon is very close to the deck of the pier and I wonder if a higher elevation would separate the wind turbines more. As a real nit pick a step to the left would have balanced the positioning of the wind turbines but this is a minor point in such a well taken and well seen image.


Keith Tomlins

Tower Bridge

I cannot recall seeing another image which has been treated quite like this. The treatment has certainly reduced  this to a facsimile of a drawing. It is interesting and accentuates the main details in a scene which I assume must be well chosen to get the best advantage from it.


Keith Tomlins

Our hearts fall open when it rains


I was initially a little confused by the title but the image really conveys a wet day. I enjoy the movement giving the impression to get indoors quick. The diagonal lines and the legs moving out of the top really enforce this and the shadow shapes give a firm base. The object which I assume is a bag looks a little strange but overal I enjoy the atmosphere and feel of this.


Louise Hubbard

Sunrise on Broom Hill

This is another image with a nice tranquil feel. The sun ray is a great capture and the colours are great. For me I would crop out the bench on the left as the tree behind appears to be growing out of it. I like to take 3D images and I could get away with this but in 2D it does not really work. The crop I envisage would give a better balanced image for me. Having said that I cannot fault the timing of this.


Louise Hubbard

It's all about Focus.

A nice exercise in focussing and depth of field application. The three images each demonstrate well how an image can be interpreted in different ways just by altering the above parameters. The presentation is good although the line across the surface the objects are standing on is a little distracting. With the exception of some small specular highlights the objects themselves are well lit.

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