Flickr December 2021 - Parkwood Camera Club

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Flickr December 2021


December 2021 Flickr Competition
Theme - Open
Judge Kevin D Harvey

Image Number

Author/Flickr Name

Image Title


Judges Comments/Critique



The Alley


I enjoy the timeless dare I say Dickensian feel to this and the limited colour palette is wonderful. All of the colours are false but the combination of the yellows with the splash of blue in the window is a great contrast. Depth of field is good too. This alley looks a lonely place without a 'zing' point but you cannot be helped but taken in through the image.




This is a very nicely composed image. The bird is posing perfectly and the upright frame has been cropped appropriately. The shadow areas are lacking detail as are the bright highlights on the rock but overal this is a successful image.



Rochester Castle at Night

There is a foreboding feel to this image which has also been nicely composed to fill the frame. I like how the photographer has endeavoured to exclude any modernity. The flag pole is bright which catches the eye and this is at odds with the rest of the image which is lacking a little in contrast and also feels underexposed to me. The detail in the sky shows this was taken at the optimum time for a night shot.



Rochester Bridge


Excellent composition and the colours from the lights and their streams work very well. Unfortunately the image was taken a little too late and the sky is completely black. If this was taken when there was a dark blue hue in the sky, then it would have been magnificent. As it stands it is very good but return a little earlier and it will be truly great.


Henry Slack

Christmas Market


There is a nice story to this image which has been well scene and the shutter released at the optimum moment. There is little in the image that screams 'Christmas' market but as a candid shot of shoppers it is very good indeed.


Henry Slack

Celebration Fireworks


Great exposure that captures all the detail, the movement of the fireworks and some great sky detail. The upright crop is good although I might have been a little more severe and cropped off some more on the right. A good example of how to take night shots.


Roger Nolan LRPS

The Rail of Birds


This is a very brave image which could be argued breaks rules but it works! I enjoy the story with the birds. Is the single one the leader they are listening to or is he facing them off in a kind of David and Goliath style stand off? The brave part of the composition is the large area of dead space above the birds but it actually feels very balanced and the monochrome tones are nicely controlled.


Roger Nolan LRPS

Southwold Swirl

Timing is everything here in addition to nature which has created the perfect swirl to fill the frame which also leads us further into the image. The highlight detail is nicely captured although the midtones do appear a little muddy. I wonder if they can be opened out slightly although there is no escaping the joy of this expertly timed image.


jeff JT thomas

The wheel by the weir. Caversham

A good attempt at a night shot. There is detail in the sky which has not turned completely black which is good. I like the movement in the wheel although I would have liked sharper detail in the trees. If the RAW file is available I may have warmed up the colours a bit more which are a little cool here. I like the idea of the composition combining the mechanical wheel amongst the trees.


jeff JT thomas

Christchurch Bridge, Caversham lit up at night

This a great subject for a night shot but I think there are more opportunites for other images here. As presented there is too much empty dark space when compared to the lit areas, I would have preferred it to be the oppositie with more artificial lighting against the natural light. Well done on attempting this challenging photographic discipline.


Keith Tomlins

Remains of Brighton's West Pier


The decaying iconic image of the Brighton West Pier has been a great subject for photographers but this one stands out from most. The composition looking down from the beach is a great choice and quite original to me. The huge splash is a huge bonus which also strangely pulls us into the image. Lighting is flat and the foreground pillars are a little dark and I wonder if they could be lifted skightly. However, this is a minor point to what is a brilliant image and lets not forget the lone seagull surveying the scene. Great stuff.


Keith Tomlins

The Lanes, Brighton at dusk

A great idea and the technique works well. Text in images can be a difficulty as they attract the eye and as they are also the sharpest point in the image they do grab the eye. Luckily here they are relevant to the composition so work well. My only criticism is that the image is overexposed and I would suggest darkening it. I think this will be easy to do and should be quite successful. A great technique and good composition.


Ian Rosenthal

Chatham Historic Dockyard

This image has been nicely taken with a good range of tones. The lights in the water definitely lead us into the image. The floodlit buildings are nicely exposed. I would be inclined to crop out the sky which would then raise the horizon which currently cuts across the centre of the image. Conversely the bottom could be cropped and the horizon could then be lowered. There appears to be sky detail that could then be enhanced. A well taken evening image.


Ian Rosenthal

Misty Medway

It can be interesting how weather such as this can completely change a scene and this is a good example. I like the idea of the vessels disappearing into the fog. Mist and fog does have the disadvantage of lowering contrast and this can flatten monochrome tones. I would be inclined to zoom in and crop closer around the boats which I believe will strengthen the composition and reduce the flat tones. Well done on getting out in these conditions which asyou have found can introduce new and different interpretations of familiar scenes.



Waiting for Spring

Many of the comments to the previous image apply here. I like the idea but I would have increased the contrast a tad whilst still retaining the feel of the weather conditions. I wonder if a few steps to the left or right would introduce different compositions on this theme? As above well done on getting out in what are often perceived as less than perfect conditions.



Surviving Winter

A simple and stark composition and the exposure/contrast combination is nicely balanced. With an image such as this there is a choice of the whole tree or a cropped in version which is what this is. Personally, I would have cropped in further still when I think the skeletal feel of the branches against a lessened sky area would work well. Nicely presented monochrome though, well done.

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